Point S Tire & Auto is excited to announce the Fourth Annual Septemberfest Soap Box Derby on Friday & Saturday, September 13th-14th!
September 13:
4pm - 8pm: Family Friendly Activities on the Pedestrian Mall
Help us kick off the Septemberfest weekend! Starting at 4:00 pm there will be a soap box derby car show on the pedestrian mall in front of Ten Mile Creek Brewery. While you are checking out the derby cars, enjoy live music by North Fork Crossing, food trucks, and more! There will also be a toy soap box car race track set up for kids to test out their racing skills!
September 14:
1:00 - 4:00 pm(ish) - Soap box Car Races on 6th Street. We will have a little something for everyone during the races! Derby races down 6th Ave hill, an RC car track, face painting, food trucks, a beer gardens, a bubble truck, the dragon boat, and more! We also have a few special events planned during the derby. This is one afternoon downtown you won't want to miss!
4:30 pm(ish) - Awards Presentation & Live Music by The Opskamatrists in Front of Ten Mile Creek Brewery
Traveling to Helena for the derby? Click Here to check out hotels in the Helena area!
Make September 14th a Downtown Helena day! While you are downtown for the derby, head up to Pioneer Park to check out the Family Music & Fun Fest brought to you by the Kiwanis Club! For more information head over to their event website.
Check out the highlights from the 2023 Septemberfest Soap Box Derby!
*video courtesy of Cosmiccine

These instructions are only to help you get started. All cars must fit the requirements listed below.
• Race registration is FREE but donations are encouraged. Donations will go toward local nonprofits.
• Racers must be pre-registered to participate.
​• Registration deadline is September 6, 2024.
• Race participants can be under the age of 18 but must have a valid driver's license and their parent/guardian must be present at all times during the races .
• Races will begin on Cruse Avenue (next to the Chamber Building), take a hard left down 6th Ave (with an optional jump down-course), and sail down 6th Avenue to the Walking Mall.
• Costumes are encouraged.
• All team members must wear long pants, long shirt, shoes, gloves, helmet, and goggles.
• Each team can consist of up to 3 people: 1 Racer and 2 Pushers.
• Each team will be allotted a 10x10 space to work on their Soapbox in the staging area.
• For the safety of the spectators, participants, and volunteers, anyone who appears to be intoxicated will not be allowed to race their car. The team will be given the chance to replace their team member. If they are unable to locate a new driver, the team will be disqualified from the races.
• Vehicles must be non-motorized.
• Vehicles must have at least 4 wheels.
• Vehicle Pushing must happen from the back of the vehicle and only for a short portion of the race (approximately 80 feet at the beginning of the course).
• Vehicles can be no more than 5 feet wide, 8 feet tall, and 9 feet long.
• Vehicles can weigh no more than 300 pounds, excluding the driver.
• Vehicles must have fully functioning brakes and steering.
• Braking with hands or feet is prohibited.
• Unmodified prefab vehicles are prohibited. (Basically, you can't send an unmodified Barbie car down the course.)
• No power or tools will be provided, only stoke.
• No welders, blowtorches, fire pits, or open flames of any kind are allowed at the event. Anyone team who is caught using prohibited items in the pit area will be automatically disqualified.
These instructions are only to help you get started. All cars must fit within the vehicle requirements listed above.

Point S Tire & Auto wants to say a BIG THANK YOU to our sponsors for helping bring this rad event to Helena.
Downtown Sponsor: $100
• Small logo included on main landing page of the event website
• Small logo to be included on a hay bale lining the course
• Social media shoutouts leading up to and during the event weekend
• Live shoutouts during the event​
Derby Sponsor: $250
• Medium logo included on main landing page of the event website
• Medium logo to be included on a hay bale lining the course
• Small logo included on finish line display
• Social media shoutouts leading up to and during the event weekend
• Live shoutouts during the event
Race Day Sponsor: $500
• Opportunity to record a radio ad promoting the event and your company (if registered by June 1)
• Large logo included on main landing page of the event website
• Large logo to be included on a hay bale lining the course
• Medium logo included on finish line display
• Medium logo included on event banner displayed at Ten Mile Brewery and Mt. Ascension Brewery
• Social media shoutouts leading up to and during the event weekend
• Live shoutouts during the event
Finish Line Sponsor: $1,000
• Opportunity to record a radio ad promoting the event and your company (if registered by June 1)
• Extra-large logo included on main landing page of the event website
• Extra-large logo to be included on hay bale lining the course
• Large logo included on finish line display
• Large logo included on event banner displayed at Ten Mile Brewery and Mt. Ascension Brewery
• Social media shoutouts leading up to and during the event weekend
• Shoutouts during the event
• Ability to provide 1 judge to finish line area. First come, first serve.
Have a sponsorship idea? Let's chat! All sponsorship levels are customizable and we would love to hear your ideas!
Can’t sponsor now? We can always use prizes for the winners, so any in-kind donation is appreciated.


Joe Dooling -
Straw Bale Provider